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5 Tips to Help You Survive Winter

Esthetician Kelly

Winter Fun

It's cold. It's gray. It gets dark so early. The holidays are over. Did I mention it's cold? Ah, winter...

This time of year, it is easy to fall into our own little "seasonal depression." I have decided this winter to make a conscious effort to stay positive, and I want to share some of my ideas with you!

1. Embrace Hibernation. I don't know about you, but I sometimes feel like I never stop going. Through the good-weather months, there's always something to do, so winter sort of forces me to slow down. I've decided to embrace it. See it as a privilege to get to stay in. Binge-watch a new show (I've just started watching "Stranger Things" per many client recommendations.) Read a good book (Currently reading: The Two Marias, by Jonathan Kis-Lev) Other ideas during "hibernation" season: Reorganize your closets & donate things you don't use anymore. (Get your "spring cleaning" done, so when spring gets here you can have more fun outside!)

2. Schedule some "Me Time." I'm not talking about actual spa treatments (although that's not a terrible idea.) Pull out your calendar and pencil in 1 hour per week. What I do is pick a night, after the kids are in bed and do the following: dry brush, bubble bath & mask. My current favorites: Cucumber & Honey Foaming Bubble Bath, Himalayan Salt & Rosewood Soy Candle, and Bright Skin Masque.

3. Get some sunlight when you can. Wait just a minute... I thought all estheticians are anti-sun! This is true... sort of. The subject is debatable, but here are my thoughts... I still recommend wearing your SPF daily. On your face, neck and tops of hands. The great thing about Vitamin D (the sunshine/happiness vitamin) is your body's ability to store it up for later use. So if you can sit by the window and expose your arms to a little sunlight for 15-20 minutes here and there, your body will use the Vitamin D it needs, then store some for later (like the cloudy, gray days.) Don't go overboard here, please. And always, always, ALWAYS say no to tanning beds!

4. Host a get-together. I think part of the reason this time of year feels so depressing is because Summer/Fall was filled with bbq's & bonfires, December was SO busy with holiday parties & fun, then you get into Jan-March and theres... nothing. A guest of mine mentioned that she hosts her "holiday party" in January. What a great idea! (and a good excuse to leave all your decorations up a little longer, am I right?) Whatever the theme you choose, make it fun!


- Superbowl

- A favorite TV Show or movie "watch party"

- Valentines Day or St. Patrick's Day

- Kid's Game Night

- Spa Night (I know a place you can get all the goodies you need... I could even pop in as guest-host if you'd like!)

Most of all, just find an excuse to get OUT of hibernation for a night.

5. Help Others. If you've helped others, you know how rewarding that can feel. What better way to get out of seasonal depression than doing something you KNOW will make you feel good?

My two cents here: Don't brag about it. Trust me on this... Sure, you could help out, and then post it on social media, and then get comments from friends telling you how great of a person you are... and I'm sure that can make you feel good. But, friends, then you're doing it for all the wrong reasons. Your reward will be so much greater if you don't expect anything in return. Try it! You'll see!

Need some ideas? Check out:

“Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.”

Happy winter, beauties!

xxx- Esthetician Kelly

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